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Terms & Conditions - Yalla2Print


Services Offered


- All our services are provided in accordance with these terms and conditions and it is possible to change these terms at any time in accordance with local laws and your continuation in using our services means your full and complete consent to any change that occurs in those terms by following your agreement to the terms and conditions when registering your account and your intention to use our services



- The customer must complete the registration form so that he can fully enjoy the services of the platform from Puraya. The Customer will provide true, accurate, current and complete information about himself as required in the Registration Form, and will update the information to keep it up to date. As part of the registration process, the customer will specify the email address and password.


- The customer is also responsible for maintaining the security of his account and passwords and not to disclose them to anyone, and he is solely responsible for that, and in the event that the customer suspects that the password is known to someone other than him, he can change it immediately




2. Registration and Account

- It is not permissible to register on the EgyMirch platform if you are under 18 years old, and therefore you acknowledge that you have exceeded this age

 - You can register to create an account on the platform by completing the registration form and activating the account via email.

- You represent and warrant that all information provided in the registration form is complete and accurate.

- If you register to open an account on EgyMerchant you will be asked for your email address/username and password, make sure you write them correctly



3. Electronic Communications


- When you use any of our Services or send us emails, you are communicating with us electronically. We will communicate with you electronically through several means, such as e-mail, text messages or by posting e-mails or correspondence on the website for the purposes of the contractual relationship, you agree to send promotions that may suit your preferences and interests without any harassment


 - if at any time you wish to stop receiving promotions and offers, you can contact us via e-mail to inform us in writing.



4. Changes to the Service or modifications to the Terms and Conditions.


We reserve the right to make changes to any of the services, policies or terms and conditions of the Site (including these Terms of Use and the Terms of Service) at any time. You will be subject to the terms, conditions, policies and terms of use in effect at the time you use our Services. If any of these Terms of Use is invalid, void or unenforceable for any reason, that term shall be deemed independent and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the Terms.
