طلب إلتحاق كـ تاجر

معلومات البائع
( * كود الدولة مطلوب مثلا مصر 20 )
يكرر كلمة المرور لا يتطابق .

Rules for using Yalla2Print platform as a seller

First: Using the platform

-Yalla2Print platform has the right to amend the terms of service, terms, conditions and laws at any time it deems appropriate without reference to the sellers, and your agreement to the terms when registering your account means your agreement to this item accordingly.


- No user has the right to use the name Yalla2PRint in any external platform or create any pages bearing the same name, otherwise he will be exposed to immediate legal accountability due to the company's legal status registered with the Egyptian government.


- No user has the right to send newsletters or e-mails in the name of the Yalla2Print platform in any way, even if he is in good faith, this exposes you to immediate legal accountability by those in charge of the platform.


Second: Registration

- When you register a new account as a seller, you acknowledge the correctness of all data received and registered through you, including your name, phone number, country and e-mail, in addition to the information required of you within the application form and any links you place.


- By registering on the Yalla2Print platform as a seller, you agree to send us some e-mails to you that may help you market your products, some advice, withdraw profits and changes that may occur later.


- It is not permissible to agree to the terms and conditions randomly without reading them and that the platform is not responsible at all in this case.


- Accounts may not be sold or bought by others


- Your passwords are your sole responsibility and the platform is not responsible for any hack that you may be exposed to in the event that you share your passwords with anyone else, never share your password with anyone.


Third: Design

- No seller has the right to use the designs of others without written consent, otherwise he will be exposed to a first and second warning in which his account stops working for a temporary period and the third time the account is permanently suspended.


- It is not allowed to create and publish designs that incite hatred of others or carry obscene phrases or sexual designs that carry nudity or sexual words or sexual suggestions or inappropriate phrases for some age groups or phrases that incite self-hatred and suicide or phrases that incite religious sedition.


- It is not allowed to publish designs that contain personal photos of a celebrity or non-celebrity.


- It is not allowed to publish designs for mahraganat songs or mahraganat singers.


- It is not allowed to publish designs that contain the property rights of one of the brands, companies or institutions without an official power of attorney and official written permission from this institution to use their mark.


- It is not allowed to make designs related to political issues, whether local or international, regardless of the country to which it belongs, with all our respect to all.


- It is not allowed to create and publish designs that contain the word Majesty, Quranic verses or the names of prophets. ( Prohibited on clothes only )


- It is not allowed to put the names of prophets again on clothes (including pictures of them) and you can keep their names from being offended in any way after the clothes are damaged.


- It is not allowed at all to make designs that contain alcoholic substances or liquor or any evidence of this.


- It is not allowed at all to make designs that contain smoking materials or phrases indicating smoking.


- It is not allowed at all to make designs that urge or indicate homosexuality of all kinds.


- It is not allowed at all to make designs that contain anything official related to the state, the police or the Egyptian army.


- The Yalla2Print platform has the right to delete any design it deems contrary to the aforementioned and to warn or close the owner's account permanently without return.


- It is not permissible to infringe on the designs of others by re-uploading it or even imitating it, otherwise you will be exposed to deleting the design and closing the account


- In the event that one of your designs is exposed to any infringement or problems, you can contact the platform management and the problem will be solved immediately.


- It is not allowed in designs on clothes to do the following in order to maintain the quality of printing:

1- Shadows (Shadows) 2- Glow (Neon - OutGlow - InnerGlow)


3- Reduce sharpness (transparency).


- Please note that there may be a difference in the degree of design colors in printing from what is on the phone or computer screen, due to the difference in color formats between the two, as all display screens work with the RGB system while printing is done using CMYK color format


- Your publication of any design is your personal responsibility and the platform is not responsible for any design that may be protected by the copyright of another person, so you may not publish designs protected by third party rights except with the express written consent to use this design, otherwise you will be subject to legal accountability and be obligated to any compensation or attorney's fees.


Fourth: Marketing and Selling

- You agree not to use the legal name of the Yalla2Print platform in any marketing process you carry out as mentioned previously


- You have the right to market your personal store on social media platforms under your own trade name


- When using the manual orders feature, you may write customer data manually (such as name, contact information and address) and acknowledge that you have the right to use this data in full and the consent of its owner, and the Yalla2Print platform has the right to use this data in marketing campaigns and sending promotional offers, and the platform undertakes not to use this data wrongly, such as selling it to others, and Yalla2Print will not allow any other party or platform to obtain or use this data Without the consent of the owners.


- In the case of returned orders, Yalla2Print bears the costs of the entire order from shipping and printing without any responsibility on the seller in most cases.


- In the case of returned orders in the manual order (manual order), if the reason for non-receipt and return is the size, the seller will bear the value of the product in full and they will be deducted from his profits on the platform, due to the availability of a size table available to all sellers on the platform and must be used when promoting their products themselves, and in the event that the seller uses the size table and has already sent it to customers and then the customer retrieves the order, the seller does not bear any costs and drops it Responsibility.


- In the case of returned orders, if the design is special, whether it is a picture of a person, date, specialization or anything that was designed specifically for this customer, or if the product was printed and appeared at the request of the seller and the product was not received and was returned, the seller bears all the costs of the product and if the seller does not want to bear such responsibilities, it is assumed not to work on special designs.


- If the percentage of the seller's returns is large in relation to the percentage of his deliveries, and if the platform deems that it represents large losses and risk, it is possible that his account will be permanently suspended with all the profits it contains until the seller acts, markets and sells these returns again so that the percentage of his deliveries becomes more than 90% of the number of his orders.


- In the case of manual orders, follow-up with the seller is done by sending notifications of the status of the order if he needs to communicate with the buyer or not, the seller must follow the notifications and interact with them, otherwise he will bear the value of the order if it is not delivered as a result of his failure to respond or communicate with his customer.


- No seller has the right to use the name of Yalla2Print or its numbers in promoting or marketing his customers, nor is the seller entitled to send company numbers to anyone.


- The seller must inform the customer of all the details of the order from the price of the product, the value of shipping and the available raw materials and not to exaggerate or describe the products in what is not in them so as not to bear the guilt of lying and also so that he does not bear the value of the order if it is not delivered due to one of the previous reasons.


- Yalla2Print platform has the right to change the prices of products at any time it deems necessary in accordance with market controls, prices and raw materials.


- Yalla2Print platform has the right to review the prices provided by the sellers and delete any design that it deems exaggerated in order to preserve consumer rights.


Fifth: Withdrawal of profits

- The seller has the right to request the withdrawal of his profits made on the platform as soon as they reach the minimum withdrawal amount, which is 200 Egyptian pounds or its equivalent in other currencies.


- Profits are requested to be withdrawn and sent to sellers on a weekly basis.


- Withdrawal requests are submitted throughout the week until Thursday before six o'clock in the evening, where the account is reviewed and profits are sent at the beginning of the following week (Sunday)


- The maximum number of withdrawal requests per week is one request only.


- In the event that a request is made to return any product, the platform bears its cost and its profits are automatically deducted from the seller if he did not receive his profits, in the event that the seller received his profits, the value of the request is deducted from the frozen or available profits in his account immediately.


- Profits are withdrawn for Egyptians according to the withdrawal methods available on the platform, which are (Vodafone Cash - Etisalat Cash - Orange Cash - WiBay) with a fee of 1% + 10 pounds fixed on any amount withdrawn (and these fees are withdrawn through the service operator and not through us).


- Sometimes, if the seller's profit is exaggerated, a tax of 14% is deducted from his profit, since the platform is legally registered and taxes are paid on these profits, which are not benefiting from them at all.


- If the seller already has a tax card and is paying his taxes, he must send it to us to verify its correctness, in which case no tax will be deducted.


- For non-Egyptian Arab brothers only who are present on the platform, profits are withdrawn through PayPal or Perfect Money with a deduction of 5% transfer fees.


- In the case of withdrawing profits via PayPal, the dollar rate = 33 Egyptian pounds + 5% withdrawal fee (these fees are deducted through the service operator and Egyptian banks, not through us)


Sixth: Termination of the contract

- In the event that the seller wishes to close his account, he can contact soical@yalla2print.com


- The Yalla2Print platform may automatically terminate the contract in the event of any violation of its laws, terms and conditions without any notice



Yalla2Print wishes you lasting success and continuous ♥ excellence
